Friday, December 4, 2009

"Nuttin' but a ham sandwich"

What do Policeman, Firefighters, and Bartenders have in common?  We all know when it's a full moon.  If you have the opportunity to ask a Policeman or Firefighter when their busiest nights if the month is, and they will most likely express "when it's a full moon".  Working as a bartenders, I would whole heartedly agree that sh!t get's crazy when it's a full moon.  This week I was reminded how lucky I am to work in a respectable restaurant as apposed to a nightclub type atmosphere, where these things happen all the time.

But I found myself in he unfortunate position of having to cut a couple people off.   And unfortunately, they were a part of a larger party, in which I had to stop serving the ENTIRE party.  Cutting people of isn't fun for them, it isn't fun for me, it just not fun.  But if the behavior of the guest mandates, you must stop that behavior by refusing service on behalf of the rest of the guests in the restaurant, then a little "verbal abuse" from an already intoxicated customer is a small price to pay for making the rest of the evening tolerable.

Being a parent of two little boys has given me an arsenal of tactics to use with drunk people.  Because, most people who get to the point where they are being cut off are acting just like that...Children.  But it's very important not to be patronizing because that will inflame the situation.  The scary fact of the matter is, bartenders and OLCC Licensees have legal responsibilities in place to keep from serving people too much alcohol.   And more likely than not, if you've gotten cut off, it's for a damn good reason, and no matter how much arguing takes place, you aren't going to get another drink.  And the amazing thing, is that people sometimes get so angry that they want your name, social security number, DOB, so they can take that information to the manager of the restaurant and argue with them about their level of intoxication.  What they don't know, is that it's not the managers's the bartenders.

One of the most entertaining interactions I've had like this was at Bluehour restaurant.  There was a younger man, who was showing all the signs of being at the legal limit.  He kept asking me for a drink, over and over again.  He'd go away and come back 5 minutes later and ask for another, and of course...I kept saying "No."  Finally he looked at me and said, " really not going to give me a drink?"   I said, "Nope!".  He says to me, " ain't nothin' but a ham sandwich!!", and walks right out of the restaurant.  That still makes me chuckle.