What better way for a bunch of bartenders to begin a trip to Kentucky, than to pull and "All Nighter". Since our flight left Portland at 6:30am on Sunday morning and a hand full of us had to work the night before, there seemed no need to go to bed and get 90 minutes of sleep before waking up and climbing into a cab...etc...BORING!!! So we gather at Teardrop Lounge after they closed down. For bartenders, it's much easier to pass the time in a bar than it is fiddling our thumbs at home. By 4:30am, myself, Evan Zimmerman(Laurelhurst Market), Elizabeth Markham(Beaker and Flask), Tommy Klus(Bluehour), and David Shenaut(Teardrop Lounge), (Alison Webber*Gilt* and Chris Churilla *Downward Dog* were traveling separately) were properly lubed and hitched a ride to the Airport.
I don't know if any of you have ever caught a flight first thing in the morning after staying up all night, but let me tell you....thanks to a rather generous glass of Drambue, and some delicious brownies, I recall... boarding, taxi'ing (not sure if that's a word or not)...and then the ding of the "fasten seat belt sound" and the pilot saying, "We are beginning our decent into Minneapolis". A 4 1/2 hour flight that felt like 30 minutes. It's the only way to fly.
We had a brief layover in Minneapolis, perfectly scheduled to coincide with the Viking's v. Rams game. I managed to catch the first quarter and a half before we boarded our plane to Louisville. I think I had luck on my side all week long because as I'm boarding the plane I muddle my way to my seat, and who was seated next to me? Yes...it's a 23 year old model on her way back from Calgary to Louisville. I showed her pictures of my wife (who's way hotter than she was) and kids, we talked life and careers, swapped I pods for a bit....the only reason why this piece of information is important is because, when we got off the airplane, everyone else proclaimed they had an awful experience on that flight. Once I piped in that I sat next to a 23 year old model, I lost whatever friends I had before we left Portland.
Lesson: Keep that kind of information to myself.
Stay Tuned for the next Installment...
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